The Bahamas (Northern Region)
Turks and Caicos
Cayman Islands
British Virgin Islands
February 12 2014
If you are considering a divorce, you may be feeling anxious and uncertain at what the future holds. Changes to family life are inevitably unsettling, and the prospect of a complex legal procedure can only add to feelings of strain. The question of finances may well be your top priority, as you will be anxious to protect your assets and see a swift resolution to the situation. At top Bahamas law firm ParrisWhittaker, our team of expert lawyers is experienced in handling all aspects of family law – including high-asset divorce cases – and we can help ensure there is a fair and equitable outcome of divorce proceedings.
If you are considering a divorce, you may be feeling anxious and uncertain at what the future holds. Changes to family life are inevitably unsettling, and the prospect of a complex legal procedure can only add to feelings of strain.
The question of finances may well be your top priority, as you will be anxious to protect your assets and see a swift resolution to the situation. At top Bahamas law firm ParrisWhittaker, our team of expert lawyers is experienced in handling all aspects of family law – including high-asset divorce cases – and we can help ensure there is a fair and equitable outcome of divorce proceedings.
A recent case in the UK has emphasised the need to ensure that divorce proceedings are undertaken as effectively and efficiently as possible, if both parties are to avoid legal bills that drain the family assets.
When the wife of wealthy businessman Scot Young went to the courts to divorce her husband, the assets under scrutiny were truly extraordinary: Mrs Young rather dismissively estimated her husband’s fortune as totally ‘a few billion’. Arguing that she should be allocated a far higher sum than the initial £20million ordered by Mr Justice Moore, Mrs Young pursued her husband through the courts.
The complex case lasted more than seven years, with a total of 65 preliminary hearings and a final hearing running to 20 days. Most startling of all, the legal costs totted up to what the judge described as an ‘eye-watering’ sum, totalling £6.4million in legal and expert costs.
Mr Justice Moore has emphatically condemned the disproportionate cost of the case. He said: “So far as practicable, cases must be dealt with expeditiously and fairly, yet this case has taken nearly seven years.”
The Young case was characterised by delay and withholding of information, and fortunately these difficulties are rare. But at Parris Whittaker, our expert team of family lawyers understand that divorce proceedings can be a very anxious and stressful time, and that it is not always easy to think and act clearly. At times, emotion can get the better of even the most level-headed person, meaning they struggle to make rational decisions. This is why securing expert, intuitive legal advice from a top law firm such as ParrisWhittaker is essential. Our lawyers can help guide you through the process, from the first stages through to completion.
Whether you have already decided to take steps to divorce and are looking for advice on how best to divide significant assets, or whether you are at the earliest stage and considering the best way forward for you and your family, our team of expert family law solicitors are waiting now to take your call. From the minutiae of gathering together the often bewildering array of necessary documents, to if necessary advocating for you in court, ParrisWhittaker will help ensure that your divorce is carried out as cleanly and calmly as possible.