
December 30 2013

Concerned about copyright infringement, or any aspect of intellectual property law?

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If you have concerns regarding intellectual property legislation – whether you are an artist, graphic designer, musician, photographer or writer – you need expert legal advice. The lawyers at top Bahamas firm ParrisWhittaker have many years’ experience in all matters relating to intellectual property law, and they are ready to advise.

If you have concerns regarding intellectual property legislation – whether you are an artist, graphic designer, musician, photographer or writer – you need expert legal advice. The lawyers at top Bahamas firm ParrisWhittaker have many years’ experience in all matters relating to intellectual property law, and they are ready to advise.


With almost universal use of the internet, and the ever-increasing trend for social media use, it has never been easier to share images and other files. Songs, graphic novels, articles and photography are all now instantly available to a limitless audience, and that can be an exciting prospect for creative artists keen to share their work.

But alongside the ability to use the internet to profit creatively and financially there is the threat of theft of original works. Artwork created in Japan can be used for advertising by a British company, or a piece of music by an American artist can be wrongfully attributed to a musician in Australia. Whilst stealing an idea or an artwork is often not taken as seriously as stealing a valuable object such as a computer or jewellery, it can mean that artists lose out on a chance to benefit commercially from their work, and that they never get the recognition they deserve – and the law recognises this. Even scientific discoveries, important new ideas and technological innovations are protected by the courts.

Bahamas intellectual property law aims to encourage creativity and innovation by protecting work and preserving its commercial value. The Bahamas is a member of the World Intellectual Property Organisation, and therefore is party to the World Intellectual Property Convention (1968). The Convention sets out the kinds of intellectual property which are protected by the legislation, including

  • Trademarks and commercial names;
  • Performances of artistic or musical works including recordings and broadcasts;
  • Original literary, artistic and scientific works;
  • Scientific discoveries;
  • Inventions in all fields of human endeavour; and
  • Industrial designs.

Importantly, the Bahamas is leading the way in intellectual property legislation. Keen to build on the 1968 Convention in recognition of new ways of sharing information, the region is holding a series of forums to discuss new legislation in connection with intellectual property law. It is anticipated the Bahamian legislature will develop the key findings from these forums, and develop new legislation which will can respond to the changing landscape of information technology and social media platforms. It is hoped that the Bahamas will then benefit from some of the most advanced intellectual property legislation in the world.

If you suspect that your ideas, artwork, discoveries or patents, or any other original creation which is solely your intellectual property, has been misappropriated by another individual or company, it is essential that you seek urgent legal advice as soon as possible. Acting swiftly to prevent the work from being duplicated, or to force its removal, will help minimise the damage to your reputation. Importantly, it is possible to act to recover any financial gain which has been wrongfully made because of use of your work.

Call ParrisWhittaker, and our expert intellectual property lawyers can begin acting on your behalf, and help protect you and your work.

