
June 11 2015

ParrisWhittaker Set for Prominent Feature as Fourth-time Sponsors of the Caribbean Council Reception

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ParrisWhittaker, a Bahamas-based boutique law firm making strides in the legal industry on both the national and international levels, is once again poised to expand its sphere of influence with its return as sponsor of The Caribbean Council’s reception at the UK Houses of Parliament.

ParrisWhittaker, a Bahamas-based boutique law firm making strides in the legal industry on both the national and international levels, is once again poised to expand its sphere of influence with its return as sponsor of The Caribbean Council’s reception at the UK Houses of Parliament.


A prestigious annual event that has become one of the most anticipated events on the UK Parliamentary Calendar, the reception plays host to some of the finest legal minds in the UK and the Commonwealth, resulting in an expansive networking resource for MP’s, Peers, High Commissioners, Ambassadors, UK Civil Service, NGO’s, and other members of and investors in the Caribbean Community.

The Reception this year took place on March 24 at the House of Lords, and boasted a guest list as enviable as it was exclusive. With only those members of the legal community held in high esteem invited, the Reception was a prime event for affirming one’s commitment not only to the Law, but also to the Caribbean Community. It is in this respect that ParrisWhittaker truly distinguished itself.

Despite still being a relatively new firm, ParrisWhittaker’s fresh approach to client service, and lively interest in the development of the Caribbean in which it is based has resulted in the firm being not just an invitee to this auspicious event, but also a corporate sponsor for a total of four years. This year, as the sole representative from The Bahamas, with their most noteworthy Reception sponsorship to date, ParrisWhittaker considered themselves ready to seize all the opportunities that such prominence can bring.

Said Jacy Whittaker, Founding Partner, “While it is always an honor to be included in events within the legal industry, it is especially important for us to not only participate in, but to contribute to those events that will shine a spotlight on the Caribbean, and promote any kind of progress within our Region. Being a part of positive change in The Bahamas and the rest of the Caribbean has always been, and will always be, a driving passion for us at ParrisWhittaker.” Whittaker went on to explain that ensuring that ParrisWhittaker made a true impact was very important, as they remain considerate of the fact that their interactions will only reflect upon The Bahamas and the wider region. “We are proud of our nation, of our region and of what we know we can accomplish with the right attention, connections and investment. As such, anything we can do to broaden our platform, and showcase our capabilities as a people is not just our duty, but our pleasure.”

The four-time sponsors were prominently featured on event branding and signage- spots reserved only for those corporate partners who have been considerably supportive. ParrisWhittaker was well represented not just by their UK delegation, but also by the firm’s prominent placement throughout the Reception site and décor.

