Enhancing Road Safety

December 22 2023

Road Safety Strengthened, But Accidents And Injuries Will Always Happen

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More than 500 ‘life years’ are reportedly affected by disability from injuries per 100,000 people involved in crashes on Jamaica’s road, according to the World Bank Group. The personal injury lawyers at award-winning firm ParrisWhittaker in Jamaica are experienced in securing compensation for those injured in road traffic accidents (RTAs) caused by someone else.

The Group also found males are four times more vulnerable to a fatality than females. While we are all at risk of a road crash and injury at some point, it is reassuring to know that measures are being implemented to increase road safety.

Jamaica’s Road Safety Unit and the Island Traffic Authority, for example, recently launched an initiative – the Road Safety Education in Schools Programme – to make Jamaica’s roads safer both for motorists and pedestrians.

Unfortunately, no one can ever eliminate RTAs – crash injuries will continue to happen when people drive carelessly or dangerously. If you or a family member has been hurt in a road accident, we can guide you through your personal injury claim.

How we can claim for your injuries

We know how traumatic a road traffic accident is, whether you’ve walked away with minor cuts and bruises – or sustained more serious injuries. If you’ve been injured, get in touch with us as soon as you can while events are fresh in your mind.

We will gently talk you through what happened and explain how we will help you recover the personal injury compensation you deserve.

The most important part of what we will do for you is to gather evidence to prove the other party was negligent and therefore caused the accident and your injuries. This would include witness statements, photographs, CCTV and so on.  If the police were involved, the crime report – and the fact of any criminal charges against the other party – will be crucial to support your case.

What can I claim for?

If you’re the innocent victim of an RTA, you can claim compensation for your actual injuries and for your financial losses caused by the accident. How much you’ll be entitled to depends on several factors, including the extent of your injuries and your recovery time; and the circumstances of the accident.

Additionally, you’ll be able to claim for financial losses directly caused by what happened (this is called ‘special damages’). The purpose is to effectively refund you for anything you’ve had to pay out for: this would typically include loss of earnings and, eg, repair and rehabilitation costs, future treatment or therapy you may need as you continue your recovery.

Thankfully, most injury claims are settled with the other side’s insurance company before litigation becomes necessary. This will be our aim from the start, to minimize the risk of you having to face lengthy and expensive court action.

We work hard to gather strong evidence to prove your claim and enable us to negotiate an early settlement from the other side’s insurer.

Get in touch

We strongly suggest you get in touch with us as early as you can while the accident is relatively fresh in your mind. We will support you from the start and help you claim the compensation you deserve – allowing you to get your life back on track.

Talk to our experienced injury lawyers at ParrisWhittaker on +1.242.352.6112 or if you prefer, send us an email and request a call back.

